
Getting started

The fusionbox-fabric-helpers package exposes a configuration object called fb_env. The fb_env object allows one to customize the behavior of the fabric helpers. For example, the following fabfile uses the fb_env object to set different configurations for the live and dev servers:

from fabric.api import env, roles

from fusionbox.fabric import fb_env
from fusionbox.fabric.django import stage, deploy

env.roledefs['live'] = ['']

fb_env.project_name = 'bar'

fb_env.dev_web_home = '/var/www'
fb_env.dev_workon_home = '/var/python-environments'

fb_env.live_web_home = '/home/foo/webapps'
fb_env.live_workon_home = '/home/foo/virtualenvs'

stage = roles('dev')(stage)
deploy = roles('live')(deploy)

This fabfile shows that, on the dev server, the project root directory is located in /var/www and python virtual environments are located in /var/python-environments. On the live server, those resources are located in /home/foo/webapps and /home/foo/virtualenvs respectively.

Other things are also happening behind the scenes. The project_name setting is used to build the absolute path to the project directory on the dev and live servers as follows:

path on dev:  /var/www/
path on live: /home/foo/webapps/

The project_name is also automatically (not automagically!!) used to build the paths to the python virtual environment:

path on dev:  /var/python-environments/bar
path on live: /home/foo/virtualenvs/bar

Any setting which is generated automatically can be manually overridden. If you wanted to manually set the absolute paths to the project, you could do this:

fb_env.dev_project_loc = '/var/www/'
fb_env.live_project_loc = '/home/foo/webapps/'