Source code for fusionbox.fabric.django

from termcolor import colored
from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
import subprocess

from fabric.api import run, cd, puts, local, get, env, task

from fusionbox.fabric import fb_env
from fusionbox.fabric.git import get_git_branch
from fusionbox.fabric.update import get_update_function
from fusionbox.fabric.utils import virtualenv, files_changed
from import get_django_version

def stage(pip=False, migrate=False, syncdb=False, branch=None, post_update=None, role='dev'):
    Updates the remote site files to your local branch head, collects static
    files, migrates, and installs pip requirements if necessary.
    update_function = get_update_function()
    branch = branch or get_git_branch()

    project_name = fb_env.role(role, 'project_name')
    project_path = fb_env.role(role, 'project_path')
    virtualenv_path = fb_env.role(role, 'virtualenv_path')
    restart_cmd = fb_env.role(role, 'restart_cmd')

    with cd(project_path):
        previous_head = update_function(branch)
        puts('Previous remote HEAD: {0}'.format(previous_head))

        if post_update:
            puts('Running post-update hook...')

        update_pip = pip or files_changed(previous_head, 'requirements.txt')
        migrate = migrate or files_changed(previous_head, '*/migrations/* {project_name}/ requirements.txt'.format(project_name=project_name))
        syncdb = syncdb or files_changed(previous_head, '*/')

        with virtualenv(virtualenv_path):
            if update_pip:
                run('pip install -r ./requirements.txt')

            if syncdb or migrate:
                run('python backupdb')

            if get_django_version() < (1, 7):  # Django 1.7 introduced migrations
                if syncdb:
                    run('python syncdb')

                if migrate:
                    run('python migrate')
                if syncdb or migrate:
                    run('python migrate')

            run('python collectstatic --noinput')


def deploy(post_update=None):
    Same as stage, but always uses the live branch and live config settings,
    migrates, and pip installs.
    stage(pip=True, migrate=True, syncdb=True, branch='live', post_update=post_update, role='live')

[docs]def shell(): """ Fires up a shell on the live server. """ with cd(fb_env.live_project_path): with virtualenv(fb_env.live_virtualenv_path): run('bash -')
[docs]def sync_db(role): """ Downloads the latest remote (live or dev) database backup and loads it on your local machine. """ remote_project_path = fb_env.role(role, 'project_path') remote_virtualenv_path = fb_env.role(role, 'virtualenv_path') remote_backups_dir = fb_env.role(role, 'backups_dir') local('python backupdb') with cd(remote_project_path): with virtualenv(remote_virtualenv_path): run('python backupdb --backup-name=sync --pg-dump-options="--no-owner --no-privileges"') # Download get( '{remote_backups_dir}/*-sync.*.gz'.format( remote_backups_dir=remote_backups_dir, ), './{local_backups_dir}/'.format( local_backups_dir=fb_env.local_backups_dir, ), ) local('python restoredb --backup-name=sync')
sync_with_live_db = lambda: sync_db('live') sync_with_dev_db = lambda: sync_db('dev')
[docs]def sync_media(role): """ Synchronizes the latest remote (live or dev) media directory with your local media directory. """ remote = env.roledefs[role][0] remote_media_path = fb_env.role(role, 'media_path') + '/' # Rsync has weird syntax for the target directory local_media_dir = './' + fb_env.local_media_dir local('rsync -avz --progress {remote}:{remote_media_path} {local_media_dir}'.format( remote=remote, remote_media_path=remote_media_path, local_media_dir=local_media_dir, ))
sync_with_live_media = lambda: sync_media('live') sync_with_dev_media = lambda: sync_media('dev')
[docs]@contextmanager def run_subprocesses(cmds): """ Returns a list of tuples of command, Popen object. During __close__, the list of processes is polled for unfinished processes and attempts to close them. """ processes = [] cwd = os.getcwd() try: for dir, cmd in cmds: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=os.path.join(cwd, dir)) processes.append((cmd, p)) yield processes finally: # We clean up any subprocesses that haven't finished with a SIGTERM procs_to_term = filter(lambda p: p[1].poll() is None, processes) try: [p.terminate() for _, p in procs_to_term] [p.wait() for _, p in procs_to_term] except KeyboardInterrupt: # User issued an interrupt, send SIGKILL to end immediately [p.kill() for _, p in procs_to_term if p.poll() is None] [p.wait() for _, p in procs_to_term]
[docs]def runserver(): """ Runs the local django server, starting up celery workers and/or the solr server if needed. The following fb_env variables must be present in your fabfile for their related processes to be started. Each should be a 2-tuple of directory and command to run. - ``runserver_cmd``: ``('.', './ runserver')`` - ``celery_cmd``: ``('.', './ celery worker -c 2 --autoreload')`` - ``solr_cmd``: ``('solr', 'java -jar start.jar')`` """ commands = filter(bool, ( getattr(fb_env, 'runserver_cmd', None), getattr(fb_env, 'celery_cmd', None), getattr(fb_env, 'solr_cmd', None), )) if not commands: print "No commands found. Please check that you have set the necessary environment variables" def read_message(fd): ret = '' while True: out = ret += out if out == '': break return ret message_prefix = colored('[{command}]', 'blue', attrs=['bold']) error_prefix = colored('[{command}]', 'white', 'on_red', attrs=['bold']) output = u'{prefix} {message}' with run_subprocesses(commands) as processes: for cmd, p in processes: while p.poll() is None: message = read_message(p.stdout) error = read_message(p.stderr) if message: print (output.format( prefix=message_prefix.format(command=cmd), message=message)) if error: print (output.format( prefix=error_prefix.format(command=cmd), message=error))
[docs]def obfuscate(): """ Compile all source files to byte code, then remove them. """ run('python -m compileall .') run("find -type f -name '*.py' -not -name '' -not -name '' -delete")
[docs]def obfuscate_decorator(role): """ Given a fabric action, this will run obfuscate() after it with config settings for the specified role. """ def decorator(old_fn): def new_fn(*args, **kwargs): retval = old_fn(*args, **kwargs) project_path = fb_env.role(role, 'project_path') virtualenv_path = fb_env.role(role, 'virtualenv_path') with cd(project_path): # Use the venv so we have the right python version with virtualenv(virtualenv_path): obfuscate() return retval return new_fn return decorator