Source code for fusionbox.fabric.fborm

from fabric.api import run, puts, cd

from fusionbox.fabric import fb_env
from fusionbox.fabric.git import get_git_branch
from fusionbox.fabric.update import get_update_function

[docs]def stage(branch=None, role='dev'): """ Updates the remote site files to your local branch head and migrates. """ update_function = get_update_function() branch = branch or get_git_branch() project_path = fb_env.role(role, 'project_path') with cd(project_path): previous_head = update_function(branch) puts('Previous remote HEAD: {0}'.format(previous_head)) run('./fbmvc dbdump') run('./fbmvc migrate latest')
[docs]def deploy(): """ Same as stage, but always uses the live branch and live config settings. """ stage(branch='live', role='live')