Source code for fusionbox.fabric.git

from fabric.api import local, run, settings

[docs]def get_git_branch(): """ Returns the name of the active local git branch. """ if local("echo $TRAVIS", capture=True): return local("echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH", capture=True) return local("git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null|grep '^*' | sed 's/^* //'", capture=True)
[docs]def has_git_branch(branch): """ Checks if ``branch`` is available in the remote git repository. """ with settings(warn_only=True): return run("git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null|grep '^*\? \+{0}$'".format(branch)).succeeded
[docs]def is_local_repo_clean(): """ Checks if there are uncommitted changes in the local git repository. """ with settings(warn_only=True): return local("git status 2>&1|grep 'nothing to commit' > /dev/null").succeeded
[docs]def is_repo_clean(): """ Checks if there are uncommitted changes in the remote git repository. """ with settings(warn_only=True): return run("git status 2>&1|grep 'nothing to commit' > /dev/null").succeeded