Source code for fusionbox.fabric.update

import shutil
import tempfile
from StringIO import StringIO

from fabric.api import abort, env, local, put, run, settings
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project

from fusionbox.fabric import fb_env
from fusionbox.fabric.git import is_repo_clean, has_git_branch

[docs]def update_with_git(branch): """ Updates the remote git repository to ``branch`` using git pull. Returns the commit hash of the remote HEAD before it was updated. """ # Stash if repo not clean if not is_repo_clean(): run("git status") if not confirm("Remote repo is not clean, stash and continue?"): abort("Remote repo dirty, aborting...") run("git stash") run("git fetch") # Update and get previous remote HEAD run("git checkout '{0}'".format(branch)) remote_head = run("git rev-list --no-merges --max-count=1 HEAD") run("git reset --hard origin/{0}".format(branch)) return remote_head
[docs]def update_with_rsync(branch): """ Updates remote site files to local state of ``branch`` using rsync. Returns the commit hash of remote version before update. """ with settings(warn_only=True): remote_head = run("cat static/.git_version.txt") if remote_head.failed: remote_head = None try: loc = tempfile.mkdtemp() put(StringIO(local('git rev-parse %s' % branch, capture=True) + "\n"), 'static/.git_version.txt', mode=0775) local("cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` && git archive %s | tar xf - -C %s" % (branch, loc)) local("chmod -R g+rwX %s" % (loc)) # force group permissions # env.cwd is documented as private, but I'm not sure how else to do this with settings(warn_only=True): loc = loc + '/' # without this, the temp directory will get uploaded instead of just its contents rsync_project(env.cwd, loc, extra_opts='--chmod=g=rwX,a+rX -l') finally: shutil.rmtree(loc) return remote_head
[docs]def get_update_function(): """ Returns the update function which will be used to update the remote site files based on the ``fb_env.transport_method`` config setting. """ try: return globals()['update_with_{0}'.format(fb_env.transport_method)] except KeyError: raise NameError('Please set fb_env.transport_method to an accepted value. Accepted values: {0}'.format([ i[len('update_with_'):] for i in globals().keys() if i.startswith('update_with_') ]))